Main Street Delaware City, Inc. turned to Biohabitats to assess the current status of ecological resources in the project area, establish priorities for the protection of existing ecological infrastructure, and make recommendations for ecological restoration and management measures in order to support a thriving eco-tourism program.

Main Street Delaware City, Inc. a non-profit revitalization organization formed in 1995, is working to improve and market historic and cultural attractions that bring new residents, visitors and businesses to Delaware City. A main component of the town’s revitalization is the development of an eco-tourism program. Main Street Delaware City, Inc. turned to Biohabitats to assess the current status of ecological resources in the project area, establish priorities for the protection of existing ecological infrastructure, and make recommendations for ecological restoration and management measures in order to support a thriving eco-tourism program.

The ecological assessment portion of the project included a science based evaluation of existing natural and cultural resource conditions. The ecological assessment approach looked at regional landscape ecology using GIS. The assessment involved collecting, reviewing and extracting pertinent natural resource information augmented by site investigations of existing ecological conditions. Thee product of the fi rst phase of the project included a concept plan that highlights ecological protection needs and restoration opportunities compatible with eco-tourism initiatives.

The types of ecological restoration initiatives proposed include wetland restoration and enhancement, shoreline stabilization, stream restoration and invasive species control. h e concept plan supports bird watching, other wildlife observation, canoeing and kayaking, sport fi shing, walking and jogging, native vegetation viewing and environmental education. 



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