At a Special Mayor & Council meeting held on Wednesday, March 4, 2015, the Mayor and Council adopted a number of City Ordinances that updated the Delaware City Code. Some of the changes include: replacing the current Building Code (Chapter 23) to incorporate a plumbing, mechanical and electrical code; creating aDepartment of Building Inspection & Code Enforcement (Chapter 53); procedures for Property Maintenance (Chapter 52 ); and procedures for a Land Subdivision (Chapter 54). Other ordinances that have been updated are online – Click on Government, then Charter/City Code. Then click on the Chapter you would like to read. Until now a homeowner who wanted to do an addition or other work to their home had to come to Town Hall and then go to New Castle County who did our inspections and code enforcement. With these changes the homeowner will now only have to come to Delaware City Town Hall and we will do our own building inspections and code enforcement. We will be able to take a more proactive approach. If you have any questions, please contact us at 834-4573.
BIU, Inc. (Building Inspection Underwriters, Inc.) will be doing our Building Inspections for us. Our contact is Kyle Bendler and his phone number is (302) 266-9057 or 800-732-2551. Kyle will be having office hours at Town Hall, 407 Clinton Street every Wednesday from 9:30 AM until Noon starting April 15, 2015. He will need 24 hours notice to do an inspection. To understand the types of plans that Kyle will be looking for visit his website Look under Permit and Forms and resident plan review.
Pennoni Associates will be the City’s Engineering company. Our contact will be Dan Barbato and his phone number is 302-655-4451, ext. 5230. He will be doing all our reviews of lines and grades and floodplain inspections.
Delaware City Code Enforcement can be reached at 302-834-0372.